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Tag: Donald Trump

Trump Rent-Free Tenancy in American Public’s Minds Hits All-Time High, Psychologist Reports

In a recent survey conducted by prominent psychologist and landlord, Dr. Charles Mindspace, it has been confirmed that former President Donald Trump continues to reside rent-free inside the heads of both his voters and enemies alike. According to Dr. Mindspace, "Mr. Trump has successfully established a permanent residency in the minds of millions of people,…

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FBI Agents Raid Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Property Again and You Won’t Believe What They Found This Time

When FBI agents raided Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago residence again yesterday looking for more classified documents, they expected to find even more incriminating evidence. Instead, they were shocked to discover that the entire premises were filled with empty pizza boxes. Upon closer inspection, the agents noticed that the boxes contained various toppings, such as pepperoni, mushrooms,…

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