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Tag: Donald Trump

Hillary Clinton Offers Her Condolences to the Trump Family After Donald Trump Tragically Commits Suicide in His Cell Next Week

Hillary Clinton has offered her condolences to the Trump family for the former president's 'suicide,' next week upon the news he is being indicted by the New York district attorney for paying hush money to Stormy Daniels years ago. Clinton's chilling Tweet read, "My DEEPEST SYMPATHY 😢 to the Trump family for their TERRIBLE LOSS…

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Mike Pence’s Perfect Poker Face: Former VP Expresses Shock at Donald Trump Indictment, Swears He Knew Nothing

Filed under: strategic memory loss Former Vice President Mike Pence convened an impromptu press conference to express his "shock and disbelief" upon learning that Donald Trump will be indicted next week for paying hush money. Pence, who appeared visibly distraught, insisted that he was completely in the dark about the entire situation, maintaining that his…

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Manhattan Meltdown: Donald Trump Faces Indictment, Announces ‘Take Back the Nation’ Tour with Surprise Musical Guests

Manhattan, NY — Just when you thought 2023 couldn't get any weirder, it's been revealed that former President Donald Trump is facing imminent indictment, prompting him to organize a massive, nationwide "protest-ival" to rally his supporters and take the nation back. In a shocking twist, the tour will feature fiery speeches and calls to action…

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Donald Trump Caught Scrounging for Change, Faces Bankruptcy for 12th Time: Is This the End of His Golden Toilet Dreams?

It's a scene straight out of a tragicomedy: the former President of the United States, billionaire businessman, and self-proclaimed "stable genius" is caught rummaging through his sofa cushions for loose change. But for Donald Trump, this isn't just a moment of embarrassment—it's a sign of his impending financial ruin. According to sources close to the…

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Donald Trump Insists He Isn’t a Traitor, “I Just Sold Our Precious Secrets to the Highest Bidder and Compromised National Security”

In a stunning admission, former President Donald Trump has defended his actions during his presidency, claiming that he is not a traitor for selling sensitive information to foreign powers but rather a savvy businessman who knows how to get the best deal. "I didn't betray my country, I just made some great deals," said Trump…

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#TrumpsLaptop Takes Twitter by Storm as Secret Documents Surface, But the Real Horror Show is Windows 98 and Icon-Infested Desktop

TrumpsLaptop has been making headlines on Twitter after top-secret documents were discovered on the former leader of the free world's personal laptop. But the real shocker? The man was still using Windows 98 as his operating system. Yes, you read that right. The man who once led the country was using a computer system that…

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