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Tag: Donald Trump

Trump Declares ‘World War III’ after Taco Bell Binge – Bathroom Salutes the Fallen

Palms Springs, FL – Just when we thought the verdict was in on former President Donald Trump's social media career, he resurfaces like a spicy jalapeño popper on his new platform, Truth Social. Trump posted what seemed to be a bone-chilling declaration: 'World War III', sending throngs of anxiety-ridden netizens into an all-out panic. Little…

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Donald Trump Rides Jetski to Freedom: Manhattan DA’s Indictment Just Water Under the Bridge!

Manhattan, NY - Just when you thought 2023 couldn't get any more bizarre, former President Donald Trump was spotted zipping around the Hudson River on a gold-plated jetski, moments after it was announced a whopping 34-count indictment against him for business fraud. Tossing caution and legal advice, the ever-entertaining entrepreneur put on a show that…

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Brace Yourselves, Snowflakes: Born of Osiris Just Announced a MAGA-Inspired Metal Album That’s Guaranteed to Melt Your Safe Space

In the cacophonic world of metal, witness the unparalleled fusion of political soundbites and breakdowns that will leave you questioning reality. Born of Osiris has turned the tables on political correctness and embarked on a colossal journey into uncharted territory – a full-blown MAGA-inspired concept album. Say goodbye to your avocado toast and put down…

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From Handcuffs to Haute Couture: Donald Trump Indicted and Arrested, Immediately Lands GQ Cover Shoot

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted, only to find himself whisked away to an exclusive photoshoot for GQ magazine. In what can only be described as the most audacious and unexpected career pivot in recent memory, Trump now graces the cover of GQ's latest issue, clad in prison-issued pinstripes and a smoldering gaze that…

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Ted Cruz Dodges Zodiac Accusations as Trump Indictment Grabs Spotlight: Snack Attacks Ensue

Washington, D.C. - Senator Ted Cruz can finally breathe a sigh of relief as Donald Trump's recent New York indictment rumors have captured the nation's attention, allowing the persistent claims that Cruz is the infamous Zodiac Killer to fade into the background temporarily. Now, the embattled senator can fully focus on his favorite pastime: finding…

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