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Tag: Donald Trump

Donald Trump Promises Gourmet Meals and Daily Yoga at New Trump Jail: Is This the Prison of the Future?

Former President Donald Trump has announced the launch of "Trump Jail," a brand-new business venture aimed at revolutionizing the private prison industry. As Trump faces potential jail time, his entrepreneurial spirit appears to be alive and well. In an exclusive interview with Tucker Carlson, Trump proudly proclaimed, "I'm the best at everything, including running a…

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Donald Trump Announces Plan to Build World’s Largest Swamp-Pumping Station

Former President Donald Trump, the swamp drainer extraordinaire, has announced that he will "drain the swamp properly" if he wins the 2024 presidential election. The statement has left political pundits and swamp creatures alike scratching their heads in confusion. The former president, known for his blunt and often offensive rhetoric, took to Twitter to make…

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Trump’s Mugshot Unveiled and It’s a Knockout! Arrested for Election Mischief, but His Hair Remains Above the Law

Donald J. Trump's long-awaited criminal mugshot has been released, taking the world by storm. Arrested for alleged election interference, Trump's mugshot overshadows the legal proceedings. Why, you ask? Because it's perfect. It's beautiful. It's art. The hair that's fascinated the world for years? Still standing tall. The tan that's been the subject of countless memes?…

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Unbuttoned Shirts and Unearthed Secrets: Trump’s Candid Conversation with Tucker Carlson!

Sweeping for Bugs: The interview began with an unusual spectacle. With heightened paranoia, Carlson searched the room for hidden microphones and tracking devices, insisting that Fox News might be listening. This went on for seven minutes. When he demanded Trump unbutton his shirt, asking, "Are you wearing a fucking wire? Are you a narc?", Trump's…

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Trump Cuffed: Will Holding Criminally-inclined Ex-Presidents Accountable Ruin America’s Time-honored Tradition?

You might want to sit down for this one because an earth-shattering crack has just split the fabric of our nation: beloved former reality TV star, KFC lover, and former president, Donald J. Trump, has been arrested. No, you didn't misread that – he's actually been held. Accountable. For something. It's a devastating day for…

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Breaking: Trump’s Culinary Skills Earn Him a Promotion to Prison Kitchen – Inmates Rave About Perfect Trump Steaks!

Former President Donald Trump has turned his newfound prison residence into a gourmet paradise. Just days after his arrival, Trump was granted a highly-coveted promotion to the prison kitchen, all thanks to his spectacular culinary prowess in crafting the perfect Trump steaks. The inmates, it seems, just can't get enough of this mouthwatering sensation! Trump's…

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