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Small Rocket Syndrome: Taylor Swift and Elon Musk Have Broken Up

PALO ALTO, CA – You might have thought that Taylor Swift and Elon Musk’s whirlwind romance was written in the stars, but it turns out that the size of the stars – or rather, the size of SpaceX’s latest rocket – may have been the couple’s ultimate downfall. In a breakup that has left the Internet buzzing, our favorite odd couple has called it quits after a heated disagreement over whether bigger is always better when it comes to space exploration.

The duo, affectionately dubbed “Taylon” by their adoring fans, had initially seemed like a match made in intergalactic heaven. With Taylor’s penchant for penning hit songs about her exes and Elon’s track record of launching things into orbit, it seemed they were destined to create cosmic harmony together. But alas, much like the doomed Mars missions of yesteryear, their love has ended in spectacular failure.

Sources close to the couple report that the trouble began when Swift, after an exclusive tour of SpaceX facilities, expressed her doubts about the size of the latest rocket, the Falcon XXS. “I mean, I’m no rocket scientist,” she allegedly told Musk, “but isn’t the whole point of space travel to, like, go big or go home?

Musk, known for his passionate defense of his projects, reportedly took Swift’s comments as a personal affront. “Do you have any idea how much work goes into designing these rockets?” he’s rumored to have retorted. “It’s called the Falcon XXS for a reason, Taylor! Size isn’t everything, you know!

With tensions mounting, the couple’s once-sparkling chemistry seemed to fizzle out faster than a flat Earth conspiracy theory. Friends of Swift claim that she was distraught over the breakup, furiously scribbling potential song lyrics in her diary. One anonymous confidante even revealed that the pop star considered naming her next album “Rocket Science for Dummies.”

Meanwhile, Musk was spotted drowning his sorrows in a pint of Ben & Jerry’s “Mars Bar Madness,” while feverishly working on a top-secret project that insiders speculate could be an even smaller rocket, possibly dubbed the “Falcon XXXXS.”

As Taylon fans mourn the end of this star-crossed love affair, the scientific community has taken a keen interest in the fallout. Rocket size debates have erupted across social media, with experts weighing in on whether the Falcon XXS is a stroke of genius or an interstellar embarrassment.

NASA, never one to miss an opportunity for a little inter-agency rivalry, has reportedly invited Swift to their facilities to view their next-generation rockets, with a spokesperson stating, “We’ll show her what a real rocket looks like.

So, while Taylor Swift and Elon Musk’s love story may have come crashing back down to Earth, it appears that their cosmic clash will continue to fuel debate and, perhaps, inspire new innovations in space travel. Because, as we all know, the course of true love never did run smooth – especially when you’re dealing with rocket scientists and pop stars.

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