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Elon Musk Orders Twitter Engineers to Turn Twitter into an Elon Musk Digital Billboard

Tech billionaire Elon Musk has ordered Twitter engineers to turn the social media platform into a digital billboard for his endless self-promotion, after falsely believing that there was a bug resulting in less engagement with his Tweets.

Twitter is a great platform, but it could be so much better if it was all about me,” Musk reportedly said in a closed-door meeting with Twitter executives. “I want my face, my tweets, my ideas plastered all over the damn thing. Let’s make Twitter the official Elon Musk fan club!

According to sources close to the matter, Musk has already submitted a list of demands to Twitter engineers, including the ability to boost his tweets to the top of everyone’s feed, a custom “Elon Musk” emoji that appears every time someone types his name, and the option to change Twitter’s logo to a cartoon of himself.

Elon wants Twitter to be his personal playground, and we’re all just along for the ride,” said one Twitter employee who asked to remain anonymous. “We’re currently working on a feature that will automatically retweet every single tweet he posts, so his messages can be amplified to the entire world. It’s really quite exciting.

Musk’s obsession with self-promotion has become a running joke on social media, with many users poking fun at his constant need for attention. But with Twitter seemingly acquiescing to his demands, it looks like the joke is on us.

Elon Musk is like a real-life supervillain, but instead of taking over the world, he just wants to be the center of attention,” quipped one Twitter user in response to the news. “I guess we should all just bow down and accept our new Elon Musk overlords.”

As of press time, Musk had not responded to requests for comment on the matter, presumably because he was too busy tweeting about himself.

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