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Joe Biden Just Discovered Andrew Tate’s Videos, Now Wants to Be Known as ‘Chad Biden’

Washington D.C. – President Joe Biden has announced that he will now be known as “Chad Biden” after discovering internet personality Andrew Tate’s videos on YouTube.

I never knew being a Chad could be so easy,” said the newly rebranded President in a press conference. “All I had to do was watch a few of Andrew’s videos and boom, instant Chad-dom. I mean, I was already the President of the United States, but now I’m also a Chad. It’s like a double whammy of awesomeness.

The President went on to explain that he was particularly inspired by Andrew’s “pick-up artist” techniques and plans to implement them in his interactions with world leaders. “I’m thinking of trying out some of Andrew’s ‘negs’ on Putin,” said Biden. “I bet he won’t know what hit him.”

White House staff members were seen scrambling to update the President’s official portrait to reflect his new Chad-like appearance, complete with a popped collar and sunglasses.

The President’s new persona has already caused some controversy, with many questioning the seriousness of his leadership. But Chad Biden is unfazed. “I’m still the President, just with a cooler name,” he said. “Plus, I’m pretty sure I can get any world leader I want with my new Chad-like charm.

The nation is left to wonder what other changes the newly minted Chad Biden will bring to the White House, but one thing is for sure, he’s definitely not your Grandpa Joe anymore.”

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