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Tag: Joe Biden

World Leaders on Edge as Joe Biden Endorses ICC Warrant, Vladimir Putin Pledges to Turn Himself In After One Last Ride on Bear

In a move that could have been ripped straight from a Hollywood spy thriller, President Joe Biden has officially welcomed the International Criminal Court's (ICC) decision to issue an arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a jaw-dropping twist, Putin, a staunch advocate for global justice and rule of law, has vowed to turn…

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Air Force One Touches Down, World Leaders Tremble as Biden Debuts the Presidential Hokey Pokey

President Joe Biden sent shockwaves through the global community by exiting Air Force One and immediately launching into a groundbreaking Hokey Pokey performance. International leaders and policy experts, who had gathered to witness the President's arrival, were left slack-jawed and scrambling for answers, as the 46th President of the United States took foreign policy to…

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President Biden Found in Hot Water Once Again as Classified Documents Discovered at Local Jimmy John’s

Washington, D.C. - In yet another embarrassing blunder for the Biden Administration, a box of classified documents from the President's tenure as Vice President was discovered at a local Jimmy John's sandwich shop. Sources close to the situation report that the documents, which include sensitive information on national security and foreign relations, were found by…

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White House in Shock as Biden’s Sofa Reveals Top Secret Documents, Decades Old Receipts and a Half-Eaten Ham Sandwich

White House staffers were sent into a frenzy this afternoon after the discovery of several top secret documents, decades old receipts, and a half-eaten ham sandwich under the sofa in President Joe Biden's office. The documents contained some of the most sensitive information the nation has ever seen. One of the documents contained a classified…

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