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Author page: Accomplished Author

Royal Leak! Prince Harry Now Wipes After He Pees, and the Internet Wants Meghan Arrested for ‘Toilet Tampering’

Ah, the British Royal Family! A symbol of dignity, grace, and—wait for it—proper pee etiquette? You read that right, folks. Rumors are swirling faster than a toilet flush that Prince Harry, the ginger playboy turned doting dad, has allegedly started wiping after he pees. Yeah, he's now a wiper! And who's the prime suspect behind…

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Elon Musk Shows Unprecedented Mercy: Snips Only 3 Fingers from SpaceX Leaker’s Hand! The Compassionate Billionaire Strikes Again

They say charity starts at home, but for Elon Musk, it seems that benevolence starts at the fingertips – or rather, ends there. In a magnanimous display of mercy that only a billionaire with a sense of humor could muster, the Tesla and SpaceX maestro decided to spare a company leaker a full-hand dismemberment. Instead,…

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Paul Graham Unleashes New Essay; Internet Wonders If He’s Become the Yoda of Startups or Just the Jar Jar Binks

Ah, Paul Graham, the tech world's favorite sentient beard, has done it again! The Y Combinator co-founder and self-anointed startup sage dropped a new essay last week. The Internet's reaction? Let's say people aren't exactly printing it out to hang on their vision boards. Graham's essay, titled "Why You Should Drop Out of School, But…

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Billionaire Peter Thiel Announces His Yacht Isn’t Fast Enough Due to ‘Computational Lag’ in Our Simulated Universe—Plans to Overclock Reality

Hold the phone, Elon Musk—your Martian dreams might be on hold. Why? Because billionaire Peter Thiel, who once bankrolled the ambitious quest for eternal life, has embarked on an even wilder journey. His latest bombshell? Thiel claims his luxury yacht isn't reaching top speeds, not because of engineering limitations, but because we're all avatars in…

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Political Tilt! Ben Shapiro’s Sperm Found Leaning Right, Declares They’re ‘Facts Over Feelings’

Renowned political commentator Ben Shapiro's sperm have been found leaning to the right. Literally, and if that's not enough, they've taken to chanting "facts don't care about your feelings" as they swim. You read that right. While most of us worry about our political beliefs leaning one way or another, Mr Shapiro's sperm have taken…

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