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Author page: Accomplished Author

Uh Oh: Justin Bieber Has Been Caught Moonlighting as a Jingle Writer for Pharmaceutical Companies

It was recently revealed that renowned pop star Justin Bieber had been secretly moonlighting as a professional jingle writer. The singer, who has long been a fixture of the music industry, has reportedly been quietly penning catchy commercial tunes for pharmaceutical companies. But, the one jingle Bieber is in hot water over is a jingle…

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Karnivool Announces an Announcement About The Announcement for Their Upcoming Album Announcement

Karnivool fans rejoice! The Australian progressive rock band has announced an exciting new announcement that will have their die-hard fans frothing at the mouth like a sick dog after eating a toad. After months of anticipation, the group has finally revealed that they are officially announcing their highly-anticipated announcement. The band's frontman, Ian Kenny, took…

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