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Periphery’s Frontman Spencer Sotelo Loses His Mind and Gets Political at Concert

The progressive metal band Periphery has gone full MAGA, with frontman Spencer Sotelo ranting about “the wall” and illegals voting in the 2024 election during a disastrous concert.

It all began when Sotelo took the stage at the sold-out Periphery concert in Jacksonville, Florida, only to launch into a profanity-laden tirade about immigration. “These fucking illegals need to be kept out, man!” Sotelo shouted, gesturing toward the border wall he wants built. “We need to keep ’em out of our fucking country!

As the crowd of metalheads stared in disbelief, Sotelo continued his rant, claiming that “illegals are voting in the 2024 election, man! I’ve seen it with my own fucking eyes!

Periphery fans were not amused, with many demanding refunds and storming out of the venue. “I fucking hate Periphery now,” one fan tweeted. “They used to be my favorite band, but now they’re just a bunch of fucking redneck racists.

In a statement released after the concert, Periphery apologized for Sotelo’s behavior, but many fans remain unconvinced. “I used to listen to Periphery every day,” another fan said. “Now I can’t even stand to look at them.

It remains to be seen if Periphery can recover from this, but one thing is for sure: their fans are not happy.

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