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EXCLUSIVE: Misha Mansoor Caught in Scandalous Orgy with Periphery Fans

Renowned progressive metal guitarist Misha Mansoor, better known by his stage name “Bulb,” was caught red-handed in a scandalous orgy with a group of devoted Periphery fans, leading to the downfall of the once-mighty prog metal genre.

The incident occurred last night during a secret meet-and-greet session hosted by Mansoor at his Los Angeles mansion. As hundreds of fans eagerly lined up to get a chance to chat with their idol, little did they know that they would soon be partaking in an X-rated experience beyond their wildest dreams.

As the night progressed, whispers of something fishy began circulating among the guests. A source close to the event revealed that things took a turn for the worse when Mansoor started handing out mysterious “mystery boxes” containing adult toys and condoms.

It was just bizarre,” said an anonymous attendee. “We were all just standing there, chatting with Misha and then suddenly he’s like, ‘Hey guys, check out this cool vibrator I got for you all.’ Everyone was so taken aback.

However, things took a darker turn when the musicians and fans began to engage in explicit activities, all while under the influence of mind-altering substances provided by Mansoor himself. As the night went on, more and more guests joined in on the orgy, turning the once-classy mansion into a den of debauchery.

I was so shocked,” said another attendee. “I mean, I love Periphery, but I never imagined I’d be watching Misha fingerbang one of my fellow fans while Spencer Sotelo played a solo on a dildo.

The event has left many fans feeling betrayed, as they now question the sincerity of the band’s music.

I used to listen to Periphery and think, ‘Wow, these guys are so talented,’” said a disillusioned fan. “But now, all I can think about is them jamming out on each other’s junk.

In light of these events, many have called for the band to break up, while others have gone so far as to petition for a ban on progressive metal altogether.

I’m just glad I didn’t spend $1,000 on that VIP ticket,” said a relieved fan. “I would’ve never forgiven myself for missing out on that sick orgy.

As for Misha Mansoor, he has yet to issue a statement on the incident. However, sources close to the guitarist said he is “embarrassed” and “devastated” by the backlash but remains hopeful that his fans will forgive him.

It’s just a misunderstanding,” said a close friend of Mansoor. “Misha was just trying to show his fans a good time. He didn’t mean for it to get so crazy.

Unfortunately for Mansoor, the damage may already be done. With the prog metal genre now marred by the scandal, it’s unlikely that fans will ever look at Periphery the same way again.

As one fan said, “I’ll never be able to listen to ‘Ji’ without picturing Spencer and Misha taking turns on a blow-up doll. It’s just ruined the music for me.

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