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Trump Ditches Politics for Fashion—Unveils MAGA Chic, A Clothing Line So Red, It Makes Tomatoes Jealous!

Oh, baby, sit down and strap in because The Donald is back! Only this time, he’s ditching those political rallies for the runway. Yeah, you heard me right: Trump is trading his Twitter account for a sewing machine and, God bless, I’m here for it.

“Make America Great Again” is no longer just a battle cry for Trump supporters; it’s a fashion statement. Forget Gucci and Prada; we’ve got MAGA Chic—a clothing line so red, it’s got Satan second-guessing his wardrobe choices.

First up in the collection? The “Border Wall Jeans.” These bad boys are as tight as our immigration policies. It is designed to keep out anything undesirable, just like the real deal. And get this, they come with built-in pockets deep enough to store your dreams of a balanced budget.

Ah, but let’s talk about the “Fake News Fedora.” This stylish hat automatically filters out mainstream media buzzwords, leaving you with just the “alternative facts.” Think of it as your personal Twitter feed for your noggin. But watch out, this fedora has been labelled a weapon of mass distraction!

And who could forget the “Executive Order Evening Gown?” It’s got a neckline so plunging; it makes Trump’s approval ratings look high. The dress comes with a tiny pen and pad stitched into the waistband. Why? So you can sign your own executive orders all night long, baby! “You’re fired!” has never looked so damn good.

Oh, but my favorite? The “Impeachment-Proof Underwear.” These undies are so tight they make a peach look loose. Good luck getting these off; Congress couldn’t even do it!

And, of course, what would a Trump line be without accessories? Introducing the “Capitol Riot Cufflinks,” perfect for when you want to overthrow your sleeves. They may not be legal, but damn, they’re revolutionary!

Some of you might be saying, “Isn’t this a bit much? Isn’t this trivializing important issues?” To that, I say, pull that stick out of your ass! Trump has already shattered the glass ceiling of absurdity; this is just the icing on the cake.

So, whether you’re left-wing, right-wing, or have a wing fetish, one thing’s certain: Trump’s MAGA Chic is fashion’s newest power player. It’s so polarizing; the North and South Poles are filing for separation.

Don’t miss out, folks. This clothing line is set to be yuuuge! And hey, even if you don’t like it, remember: It’s still less embarrassing than Trump Steaks.

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