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“President Biden Misplaces Pen: Nation Grapples With Unprecedented Crisis, Pencil Sales Skyrocket”

In an event that has brought the United States to its knees, a turn of events unfolded last night that could change the course of history forever. President Joe Biden has misplaced his favorite pen. The capricious tale began when Biden realized that the pen, a Montblanc Meisterstück with a hint of blue ink, was not in its usual spot.

As soon as news broke, a national state of confusion ensued. Pundits and armchair analysts across the nation took to Twitter, hypothesizing about the implications of this event. “Is this a cryptic sign of upcoming policy changes?” “Is it a diplomatic maneuver?” “Is the pen a metaphor?” These are the questions plaguing the nation as it grapples with the fallout from the cataclysmic event of the missing pen.

Biden, known for his trademark aviators, was always spotted signing bills with the pen. Some speculated that it had magical properties and was the real power behind his presidency. But now, the pen has disappeared into the ether, leaving only a blank spot on the Resolute Desk as though mocking the once mighty artefact.

The stock market responded with a flurry of chaos. Pencil manufacturers, spotting an opportunity in the chaos, saw their stocks soar. CEO of PencilCorp, Sharp N. Pointy, seized the moment and announced the production of the ‘Presidential No. 2’ – a pencil line exclusively for politicians. “It’s reliable, non-erasable, and it doesn’t get lost easily,” Pointy proudly proclaimed.

Elsewhere, a quiet drama unfolded. A lonely janitor, Bernie Mopbucket, found himself unexpectedly thrust into the limelight. After a blurry CCTV footage showed Bernie mopping around the vicinity of the pen’s last known location, Bernie has been dubbed the ‘Chief Pen Detective’. As of press time, he’s leading a nationwide search operation involving a hodgepodge of secret service agents, amateur sleuths, and overly enthusiastic interns.

The White House press secretary, in an impromptu press conference, asked the nation to remain calm. “It’s just a pen. The President has other pens,” she pleaded, clearly trying to downplay the magnitude of the crisis. But, of course, everyone knew it wasn’t ‘just a pen’.

Social media was ablaze with #WhereIsThePen trending globally. Is this a first-world problem? Absolutely. Is it a national crisis? You bet. Conspiracy theories surfaced with alarming speed, suggesting the pen was a spy device, a disguised nuclear launch key, or aliens had abducted it.

As the nation grapples with this unprecedented crisis, we can’t help but feel a twinge of fear for the future. Will America survive this crippling blow? Time will tell. The world watches, popcorn in hand, as the spectacle continues to unfold.

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