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BREAKING: Puppet Masters Caught Red-Handed as Joe Biden’s Speech Reveals Obvious String Attachments!

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The mystery surrounding President Joe Biden’s seemingly unnatural movements and speeches has finally been answered! During a particularly heated political discourse, eagle-eyed spectators noticed the curious sight of strings attached to Biden’s limbs, effectively converting the distinguished President into a life-sized marionette. Puppetgate has swiftly gripped the nation, raising perplexing questions about who’s truly pulling the strings in the administration.

The confirmation was both literal and figurative, as high-definition photos from an anonymous whistleblower have revealed that thinly veiled cables were not only responsible for Biden’s bodily movements but also his overly scripted speeches. The revelation has led to an eruption of conspiracy theories, finger-pointing, and general pandemonium, with bored Twitter users spearheading the debate using the viral hashtag #WhosThePuppetMaster.

“It’s like we’re living in a modern-day Pinocchio fairytale,” quipped influencer-Instagram-dumpster-fire Tabitha Wilson, in a hastily-filmed video from her over-priced, avocado-toast-stacked apartment. Other citizens were less amused, demanding an investigation into the mysterious master puppeteer, who some conspiracy theorists believe may just be the ghost of George Washington attempting to reclaim the much-deteriorated presidency.

One group of overly enthusiastic internet sleuths swore they saw the faint outline of Vladimir Putin lurking in the shadows, wielding the strings like an expert puppeteer. Another faction insisted that the strings were crafted from pure 24-karat gold, suggesting that Elon Musk had some technologically ingenious hand in their creation.

The White House has attempted to quell the frenzy, conveniently blaming the suspicious string attachments on poor lighting, Biden’s reliance on his teleprompter, and an ill-timed smudge on the camera lenses. Of course, this explanation has been met with raucous laughter, as we all know the most feasible explanation always lies in the realm of the fantastical.

Despite the obvious absurdity of this controversy, this astonishing revelation has spawned a series of merchandising opportunities for enterprising capitalists. The eCommerce world is now teeming with Biden marionette dolls reproducing his every controlled speech and powerless gesticulation. Independent artists have flooded Etsy with satirical illustrations of the puppet president, even prompting a resurgence of puppeteering as a legitimate hobby for the masses.

Nevertheless, one must wonder how long it would be before America’s Got Talent is inundated with skilful puppeteering acts, all while “Strings Attached” takes on a new meaning for aspiring filmmakers. The puppet master craze has not only latched onto the unsuspecting Biden but has also given creative license to a whole budding generation to reimagine the power dynamics within the land’s highest office.

As the world watches and waits for the inevitable identity reveal of the puppet master extraordinaire, anxious citizens are left to grapple with the uncharted territory of puppet politics. As absurd misinformation spirals out of control, one thing is abundantly clear: the puppetry narrative won’t be easily untangled.

On the edge of the bizarre reality of life-sized marionettes occupying the White House and pulling the strings of the world’s greatest democracy, we collectively hold our breath, anxiously waiting for the other shoe – or puppet, as it may be – to drop. Society’s satirical appetite grows ever more ravenous, hand in hand with our insatiable curiosity. And just as the strings reveal themselves to the observant public, so too must the bizarre truth of the world unfold – one erratic gesture at a time.

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