In a groundbreaking revelation that is rocking the music world to its core, experts have uncovered the shocking truth that popular “progressive metal” band Periphery is actually a fabricated band created by music industry insiders to sell more guitars.
According to sources close to the matter, Periphery was created in a secret government facility as part of a top-secret program to boost guitar sales in the early 2000s. The band, which was initially intended to be a one-off marketing gimmick, was so successful that music industry executives decided to keep the charade going.
“It’s a brilliant scheme, really,” said one insider. “Periphery’s music is so complex and technical that it requires the use of advanced guitar equipment. And because the band is so popular, fans are willing to shell out thousands of dollars for the gear they need to play along to their favorite songs.”
But the biggest shocker? The band members themselves are not real musicians, but rather highly-trained actors who are paid to pretend to play instruments on stage.
“It’s like a reverse Milli Vanilli,” said another insider. “Instead of lip syncing, these guys are finger syncing.”
The truth about Periphery has sent shockwaves through the music community, with many fans feeling betrayed and disappointed by the revelation. But the band’s management is unfazed, stating that they will continue to tour and release new music, because “people will pay to see anything these days”
In related news, Djent band Meshuggah is being investigated for being a AI generated band.