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Two Rocks, One Hard Choice: Who Will Be Dinner on the Island: Misha Mansoor or Winston McCall?

We’ve all faced a dilemma at some point in our lives: stuck on an island with Misha Mansoor of Periphery and Winston McCall of Parkway Drive, who do you eat first? It’s a tough decision, but the answer is clear: Winston McCall.

First of all, Winston is the bigger of the two, meaning there will be more sustenance to go around. Second, his Australian accent will make a perfect accompaniment to any meal. Third, his powerful voice can attract other food sources, like seagulls and fish. Lastly, his intense stage presence will create a truly unforgettable dining experience.

On the other hand, Misha’s technical guitar playing is sure to be a hit with the foodies, and his piercing screams will make for an interesting taste. He also has a diverse musical background, which could add an interesting flair to any meal.

However, when it comes down to it, there is simply no substitute for Winston’s larger size and his vocal abilities. He is the clear choice for dinner on the island.

So the next time you find yourself on an island with two musicians, make sure to choose Winston. He may not be the most appetizing, but he is the tastiest. Bon appétit!

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