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The Secret Taylor Swift Fan: ‘I Don’t Like Pop Music’ He Says, As He Sings ‘Shake It Off’

Bob Johnson, a self-proclaimed ‘pop-hater’, has been fooling his friends and family for years. He’s always been very vocal about his dislike for radio pop music and his preference for classic rock and country, but the truth has finally come out – he knows almost all the words to Taylor Swift songs.

I’ve heard him singing ‘Shake it Off’ in the shower more times than I can count,” said Johnson’s roommate, Mark. “He even has all the dance moves down, and I’m pretty sure he’s memorized the rap section too.”

Johnson’s sister, Ellen, also isn’t buying his ‘I don’t like pop music’ act. “He’s always telling us he doesn’t like pop music, but then he’ll be singing ‘Love Story’ in the car and he knows all the words,” she said. “It’s like he’s trying to convince himself he doesn’t like it, but deep down he loves it.

Although Johnson has tried to deny it, the evidence is overwhelming – he’s a closet Taylor Swift fan. His friends and family are now challenging him to come clean and own up to being a secret Taylor Swift fan.

We don’t judge,” said Mark. “He can still like classic rock and country, but there’s no need to lie about it. We all love a few Taylor Swift songs.

So the next time you hear Bob Johnson ranting about how much he hates pop music, just remember – he’s secretly singing ‘Shake it Off’ in the shower.

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