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Move Over Biden, 13-Year-Old Prodigy Announces Presidential Bid for 2060

A 13-year-old child from middle America announced his candidacy for President of the United States in 2060. The precocious young lad, who prefers to go by the name “Johnny,” held a press conference on his front lawn to make the big announcement.

I’ve been watching the news, and I just don’t think any of these politicians have what it takes to lead our country,” said Johnny, playing with a toy truck. “I’ve been playing many video games recently, and I think I’ve got a pretty good handle on strategy, so I think I’m the best candidate out there.

When asked about his qualifications, Johnny stated that he has “read a lot of books” and has “a lot of good ideas” but couldn’t provide specific examples. He also noted that he’s “pretty good at math” and has “a lot of energy.”

Despite some initial skepticism, Johnny’s campaign has already gained traction. Many Americans are drawn to his youthful energy and lack of political baggage. “It’s refreshing to see someone who isn’t a career politician,” said one supporter. “Plus, he’s just so darn cute!

Johnny’s campaign platform is still being developed, but he has promised to “make America great again” and “put an end to all the arguing.” He also plans to “get rid of homework” and “have ice cream for breakfast every day.”

While some may scoff at the idea of a 13-year-old running for President, Johnny quickly reminds skeptics that age is just a number. “I may be young, but I’ve got big dreams, and I’m not afraid to chase them,” he said. “Besides, by the time 2060 rolls around, I’ll be old enough to run for President.”

With his campaign slogan of “Johnny for President: Because Why Not?” he is already gaining traction among the youngest demographic.

The current President, Joe Biden, could not be reached for comment, but a White House official said, “We welcome any and all competition in the political arena, even if they come from a 13-year-old kid.”

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