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Fox News Reveals Shocking Conspiracy: Hilary Clinton and Lizard People Conspire to Overthrow Government

Washington D.C. – In a stunning turn of events, Fox News has revealed that the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol was not, in fact, the work of Donald Trump supporters, but rather a plot orchestrated by none other than Hilary Clinton and the Lizard People.

According to Fox News, evidence has surfaced linking Clinton and the Lizard People to the insurrection. “We have obtained exclusive footage of Clinton and the Lizard People meeting in a secret underground lair to plan the attack,” said Fox News anchor Sean Hannity.

The evidence, however, has been met with skepticism from other news outlets and political analysts. Twitter user @notarealjournalist tweeted, “Oh sure, blame it on the Lizard People. Next they’ll be saying Bigfoot was involved too.

Others, however, are taking the news seriously. Twitter user @conspiracytheorycentral tweeted, “I’ve been saying for years that the Lizard People are running the world. This just proves it.

Clinton, for her part, has denied any involvement in the insurrection. “I have no idea what they’re talking about,” she said in a statement. “The idea that I would conspire with the Lizard People to overthrow the government is ridiculous.

The Lizard People, too, have denied any involvement. “We were just minding our own business, planning our next invasion of Earth,” said Lizard People leader Xyzax. “We had nothing to do with the insurrection.

Despite the denials, Fox News is standing by its story. “We will not be silenced,” said Hannity. “The American people deserve to know the truth, no matter how crazy it may seem.

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