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Forget ElonJet! This New App Tells You When Elon Musk Takes a Dump

In a world where tech CEOs are constantly under the microscope, one app is boldly going where no app has gone before – straight into the toilet. “ElonPoop,” the newest sensation in the world of Silicon Valley apps, is turning heads and flushing away the competition by tracking the bowel movements of none other than SpaceX and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. The app’s creators are touting its revolutionary potential, claiming that users will gain unprecedented insight into the mind (and colon) of one of the world’s most innovative entrepreneurs.

The app, available on all major platforms, offers a sleek user interface that provides real-time updates on Musk’s bathroom habits, complete with bowel movement frequency, duration, and even consistency. Users can opt for push notifications to receive these critical updates immediately, ensuring they never miss a moment of Musk’s intestinal activity. But the app doesn’t stop there! It also provides an in-depth analysis of how Elon’s bowel movements may influence his groundbreaking ideas.

According to the app’s developers, understanding the secrets of Musk’s digestive system could be the key to unlocking the next big thing in technology. “We’ve always known that Elon Musk is full of ideas,” said the app’s lead developer, Max Green. “But now, we can finally see how those ideas are processed, refined, and eventually expelled, giving us a unique window into what makes this genius tick.

The app even includes a social media component, allowing users to discuss their theories on the correlation between Musk’s bowel movements and his revolutionary concepts. Users can compare their own bowel movements to Musk’s and compete for the most “Musk-like” movement, sparking a new wave of competitive pooping in the tech world.

Despite the app’s sensitive nature, some users take it very seriously. A dedicated group of “Musketeers” has formed, striving to replicate the CEO’s bowel movements, hoping it will lead them to a greater understanding of his thought process. “ElonPoop” has given these dedicated fans a new outlet for their obsession and camaraderie as they bond over their shared interest in the billionaire’s bathroom habits.

Critics argue that the app is nothing more than a silly novelty, but its creators are steadfast in believing that it offers something truly valuable. “You can’t spell ‘future’ without ‘F-U,’” said Green. “And with ElonPoop, we’re giving users an unprecedented look at how this visionary tech leader fuels his creative process with his own brand of fertilizer.

As the popularity of “ElonPoop” continues to rise, users eagerly await the day when Musk will comment on the app. Will he be flushed with pride or pooh-pooh the entire concept?

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