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Elon Musk Seizes Control of World with Terror Drones

In a shocking move of global domination, tech mogul Elon Musk has unleashed his army of terror drones and has seized control of the world.

The drones, outfitted with high-tech sensors and facial recognition technology, have been seen patrolling the skies of major cities like New York, London, and Tokyo. These drones have been programmed to identify and detain anyone who stands in Musk’s way.

It’s a bold move, but a necessary one,” said Musk in a statement. “If I want to make sure that the world is run efficiently and ethically, then I need to take control. My drones will help me do that.

When asked if the drones posed a threat to citizens, Musk replied, “No, no, no. These drones will only be used for good. They’ll help me keep track of the world’s resources, monitor pollution levels, and even deliver medical supplies. I’m sure everyone will be grateful for my drones in the long run.

Though some have expressed concern that the drones could be used to restrict freedom of movement, Musk insists that he will only use them to make the world a better place.

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