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Donald Trump Caught Scrounging for Change, Faces Bankruptcy for 12th Time: Is This the End of His Golden Toilet Dreams?

It’s a scene straight out of a tragicomedy: the former President of the United States, billionaire businessman, and self-proclaimed “stable genius” is caught rummaging through his sofa cushions for loose change. But for Donald Trump, this isn’t just a moment of embarrassment—it’s a sign of his impending financial ruin.

According to sources close to the Trump family, the former president has been struggling to make ends meet since leaving office. His real estate empire is in shambles, his golf courses are losing money, and his investments in MyPillow and GameStop have left him with nothing to show but a bunch of worthless stock certificates.

To make matters worse, Trump is facing bankruptcy for the 12th time. Yes, you read that right: the man who once claimed to be a master of the art of the deal has gone bankrupt a dozen times. It’s a record that even the most incompetent businessmen would be ashamed of.

But perhaps the most damning evidence of Trump’s financial woes came when he was caught looking for spare change in his own living room. Witnesses say that he was frantically digging through his couch cushions, muttering about needing enough money to buy a “big mac or two.”

It’s a far cry from the luxurious lifestyle that Trump has long boasted about. Gone are the days of golden toilets, private jets, and the finest caviar money can buy. Now, he’s reduced to scrounging for pennies like a common beggar.

So what’s next for Trump? Will he be able to dig himself out of this financial hole, or will he be forced to auction off his collection of MAGA hats to pay the bills? Only time will tell. But one thing’s for sure: the image of Trump looking for loose change will haunt us all for a long time to come.

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