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Trump Rent-Free Tenancy in American Public’s Minds Hits All-Time High, Psychologist Reports

In a recent survey conducted by prominent psychologist and landlord, Dr. Charles Mindspace, it has been confirmed that former President Donald Trump continues to reside rent-free inside the heads of both his voters and enemies alike.

According to Dr. Mindspace, “Mr. Trump has successfully established a permanent residency in the minds of millions of people, regardless of their political views. It seems like both sides just can’t get enough of him, and as a result, he’s been able to enjoy free housing in the most valuable real estate of all – the human brain.”

The survey also revealed that Trump’s tenancy has been particularly fruitful for those who voted for him. “His voters just can’t seem to shake him off, as if he’s a pesky fly that just won’t go away,” Dr. Mindspace noted. “They seem to be constantly reminiscing about the good old days, thinking about what he could have done differently, and imagining how he would have solved the country’s current problems if he were still in office.”

On the other hand, Trump’s enemies also seem to be affected by his tenancy in their minds. “Despite their best efforts to ignore him and move on, they can’t help but keep talking about him,” Dr. Mindspace explained. “They seem to be reliving their past political battles and constantly making sarcastic comments about his latest antics.”

It’s not just individuals who are affected by Trump’s rent-free tenancy, but entire social media platforms as well. According to the survey, a significant portion of all online conversations still revolve around the former president, proving that he’s not just living rent-free in people’s heads, but in the digital world as well.

In conclusion, Dr. Mindspace believes that this rent-free tenancy is a double-edged sword. “On one hand, it keeps Mr. Trump in the forefront of people’s minds, ensuring his relevance and popularity,” he said. “But on the other hand, it also keeps people trapped in a never-ending cycle of political drama, preventing them from moving forward and finding new solutions to the country’s problems.

In the end, it seems like the former president has found a way to stay relevant and influential, even after leaving office. As Dr. Mindspace put it, “Mr. Trump is like a ghost that haunts both his friends and enemies, and it seems like he’ll continue to do so for a long time to come.”

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