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Reddit and Trump’s Truth Social to Merge

Reddit has announced its merger with Trump’s Truth Social, a social media platform known for spreading misinformation and conspiracy theories. The two companies have long shared a similar vision of what truth is and will now join forces to create the ultimate haven for all things fake news.

We are thrilled to be partnering with Trump’s Truth Social to bring even more misinformation to the masses,” said a Reddit spokesperson. “This merger will give us the resources to spread fake news even more efficiently and reach new heights in spreading conspiracy theories and alternative facts.”

The merger has been met with excitement from Reddit users who have long been yearning for more sources of misinformation. “Finally, we’ll have one place to go for all our false information needs,” said one user. “No more having to search multiple sites for the latest conspiracy theories.”

Trump’s Truth Social CEO, Donald J. Trump, said he was confident the merger would be a success. “With the power of Reddit behind us, we will be able to spread more lies and propaganda than ever before,” he said. “The fake news media won’t know what hit them.”

Critics have raised concerns about the impact the merger will have on society, but Reddit and Trump’s Truth Social remain unfazed. “We’re just giving people what they want,” said the Reddit spokesperson. “If they believe in a flat earth or that the moon landing was faked, then who are we to judge?

The merger is set to be complete by the end of the year and is expected to shake up the world of social media, bringing even more misinformation and fake news to the forefront. The future is looking bright for fake news enthusiasts everywhere.

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