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Joe Biden Promises to Bring Down Chinese ‘Weather Balloon’ After He Takes a 10 Hour Nap

Washington D.C. – In a surprising development, President Joe Biden has announced his plan to take down the supposed Chinese weather balloon that has been flying over the United States for just over a day. The President’s announcement came after an epic 10-hour nap.

Folks, let me tell you something,” Biden proclaimed at a press conference, stretching his arms. “After that nap, I feel like a new man, ready to take on the world and this so-called weather balloon.”

China, on the other hand, has maintained that the balloon is indeed just a weather balloon and not a sophisticated spy device, despite the fact that it is equipped with a big camera, array of microphones, infra-red sensors, and other mysterious spy equipment. However, the President and the American people are not convinced.

I don’t care if it’s a weather balloon or a flying unicorn, it’s not supposed to be spying on us,” said President Biden. “And I, for one, am not going to let it get away with it.

The President’s plan to take down the balloon has sparked a wave of laughter and disbelief among American citizens. Some are questioning how a 10-hour nap could prepare someone to take down a state-of-the-art spy device, while others are just enjoying the absurdity of it all.

So, let me get this straight,” said Sarah Johnson, a resident of New York City. “The President is going to shoot down a Chinese weather balloon after a 10-hour nap? That’s like trying to solve global warming with a nap and a good cup of coffee.”

Despite the skepticism, President Biden remains confident in his plan. He has promised to utilize all of the country’s military resources, including fighter jets, tanks, and rubber bands, to bring down the “weather balloon” from the skies.

I’m telling you, the Chinese don’t know what they’re dealing with,” Biden said with a smirk. “I may be the oldest President in history, but I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.

As the nation watches with excitement and trepidation, many are questioning whether a 10-hour nap is enough preparation for such a critical mission

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