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Joe Biden Asks Kremlin for Permission to Visit Ukraine, Offers to Bring Snacks and Ice Cream

President Joe Biden reportedly asked the Kremlin for permission to visit Ukraine hours before his recent diplomatic mission, and he also offered to bring some delicious snacks and ice cream.

Hey, it’s Joe. Listen, I’m planning on visiting Ukraine soon, and I just wanted to make sure it’s okay with you guys,” Biden can be heard saying in a leaked phone call to the Kremlin.

The request reportedly catches off the Kremlin official on the other end of the line guard, but Biden quickly sweetens the deal by offering to bring some of his favorite snacks and ice cream.

I was thinking maybe I could bring some snacks or something? You guys like potato chips? And I’ve got some of my favorite ice cream flavors, too. I mean, who doesn’t love ice cream, am I right?” Biden reportedly adds.

Despite the unusual nature of the request, the Kremlin official reportedly agrees to the visit, but not without some light ribbing.

Sure, Mr. President, you can visit Ukraine. But I hope you don’t mind if we keep the ice cream,” the official quips.

The news of the phone call has left many in the US government scratching their heads, with some speculating that Biden may be too friendly with the Kremlin.

I’m not sure what to make of this. Is Joe Biden trying to bribe the Russians with ice cream? Or is he just being his friendly self?” said one political analyst.

For his part, Biden has brushed off the concerns, saying he was trying to be a good guest and bring a little of America with him.

I just wanted to make sure everyone was cool with the visit and that we could all have a good time together. And hey, who doesn’t love snacks and ice cream?” Biden said in a statement.

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