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FBI Agents Raid Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Property Again and You Won’t Believe What They Found This Time

When FBI agents raided Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence again yesterday looking for more classified documents, they expected to find even more incriminating evidence. Instead, they were shocked to discover that the entire premises were filled with empty pizza boxes.

Upon closer inspection, the agents noticed that the boxes contained various toppings, such as pepperoni, mushrooms, and olives. It soon became clear that Trump had been living off pizza for weeks, if not months, since the initial raid.

The agents were further baffled when they noticed that the boxes contained no evidence of a pizza cutter. Upon further investigation, it was determined that Trump had been using a golf club to cut his pizza.

In addition to the empty pizza boxes, the agents also uncovered many empty cans of Bud Light. It appears that Trump had been living off of a combination of pizza and beer for quite some time.

This discovery has caused some to question Trump’s health and mind. It is unclear why Trump chose to live off of pizza and beer for so long, but one thing is certain: The FBI agents who raided Mar-a-Lago were not expecting to find what they did.

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