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Donald Trump Insists He Isn’t a Traitor, “I Just Sold Our Precious Secrets to the Highest Bidder and Compromised National Security”

In a stunning admission, former President Donald Trump has defended his actions during his presidency, claiming that he is not a traitor for selling sensitive information to foreign powers but rather a savvy businessman who knows how to get the best deal.

I didn’t betray my country, I just made some great deals,” said Trump in a recent press conference. “Why keep our precious secrets to ourselves when we can make a profit from them? That’s just good business.

The comments have sparked outrage from both sides of the political aisle, with many calling for Trump to be held accountable for his actions. However, the former president seems unfazed by the criticism.

I’m a winner, and winners do what it takes to get ahead,” he said. “I’ve always put myself and my interests first, and that’s what makes me a great leader.

The revelation of Trump’s dealings with foreign powers has raised serious concerns about national security and the safety of American citizens. Some have even speculated that the former president may have put the country at risk by compromising sensitive information.

But Trump remains defiant, insisting that his actions were in the country’s best interests – or at least, his own personal interests.

I didn’t sell out America, I just sold out to the highest bidder,” he said with a smirk. “And that’s just good business.

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