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Periphery’s Rise to Fame Confounds Critics: ‘They’re Just a Meshuggah Tribute Band with Bono on Vocals

It’s the question on everyone’s mind: what’s with all of the hype around Periphery? Sure, they’ve got some catchy riffs and a killer drummer, but let’s be real here: they’re just a Meshuggah cover band with Bono on vocals.

It’s not hard to see the similarities. The chugging, down-tuned guitars and frenetic drumming are straight out of the Meshuggah playbook, and they’ve got a frontman who sounds like he’s been gargling with broken glass only adds to the resemblance. But when you throw in Bono’s distinctive wail, it’s clear that Periphery is just trying to cash in on the success of the Swedish metal veterans.

But despite the obvious copycatting, fans can’t get enough of Periphery. They pack venues and festivals, and their merch tables are always swarmed with fans clamoring for t-shirts and autographs. So what’s the deal? Are people just that desperate for a Meshuggah fix? Or are they suckers for a good Bono impression?

Periphery’s success may be just a sign of the times. In a world where everyone is looking for the next big thing, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype. But let’s be real: Periphery is a pale imitation of the real deal. So the next time you’re tempted to shell out money for a Periphery concert, remember: you can probably get the same experience by putting on a Meshuggah album and singing along in your best Bono voice.

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