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Monkeys Compose Album That is More Djent than Periphery

In a shocking experiment, scientists recently put fifteen monkeys in a music studio and asked them to compose music. The end result? A Periphery album.

The experiment was initially created to answer a long-standing question in the music industry – has djent become too generic?

The scientists wanted to see if they could create a djent album that was actually more complex than a typical Periphery album.

After a few days of intense work, the monkeys exceeded expectations, creating a djent album that was far more complex than anything Periphery had ever released.

The album, which has yet to be released, features intricate rhythms, complex guitar lines and deep bass.

We were really surprised by the results,” said lead scientist Dr. David Jones. “The monkeys seemed to be able to instinctively understand the complex rhythms and structures that make djent what it is.”

While the album has yet to be released, the scientists have already declared it a success.

This experiment proves that djent is undoubtedly generic,” said Dr. Jones. “The monkeys have created an album that is truly unique and will no doubt stand the test of time. Critics are already saying it’s the best record Periphery has ever made and they didn’t even make it.

Only time will tell if the album is actually released and if it will be a success. But one thing is certain – the monkeys have created something that is truly djent-ier than Periphery.

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