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Misha Mansoor Falls Asleep During a Periphery Live Performance: Big Pharma Suspicions Grow

Misha Mansoor, the lead guitarist of Periphery, was seen nodding off during a recent performance, leaving fans and audience members left speechless as Mansoor was seemingly unresponsive, leaving the band to unmute Misha’s backing track in ProTools to finish the set.

The incident has raised speculation among fans that Mansoor may be secretly connected to Big Pharma, as the guitarist’s lack of energy has been a topic of discussion for some time.

It’s so strange,” one fan said. “Misha never used to be like this. I remember seeing the band live years ago and Misha was full of energy. Now it’s like he can barely keep his eyes open.

Upon further investigation, fans have discovered that Mansoor’s name appears in several documents linked to Big Pharma companies. Mansoor’s name also appears in emails sent between executives of these companies discussing “energy-boosting solutions” for their employees. Is Misha experimenting with experimental medications?

The speculation has only grown after Mansoor failed to respond to any of the questions posed by fans. All inquiries have been met with radio silence.

In the Djent Shitposting group on Facebook, many speculate Misha’s connections with Big Pharma go far deeper than people first thought. On the condition of anonymity, a member identified by the pseudonym ‘Djentlord’ stated: “It’s obvious Misha is taking some kind of experimental energy-boosting medication with serious side effects. I mean, just look at him. He’s practically a zombie.

Periphery’s manager issued the following response when pressed by Vanflip:

Misha is exhausted from his rigorous touring schedule. He is the hardest-working member of the band, and everything falls on his shoulders. That responsibility would make anyone tired.

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