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Mark Holcomb, Djent Grandmaster, Takes Down ‘Djent Shitposting Group’ in Epic Game of Checkmate

On Tuesday, the internet was abuzz when legendary Djent guitarist Mark Holcomb took the stage to publicly challenge the “Djent Shitposting” Facebook group to a game of chess.

Djent Shitposting, which is known for its off-the-cuff opinions and trolling, was quick to accept Holcomb’s challenge. After the game was set, the page took to their social media accounts to boast and gloat.

Holcomb took on the group’s leader, ‘Tunemaster123’, with a grin on his face, as he attempted to psych out his opponents.

The match began with Djent Shitposting making a bold move by posting a troll comment on Mark Holcomb’s latest video. In response, Mark Holcomb retaliated with a devastating counter-troll, forcing the group to retreat with their tails between their legs.

Armed with his trusty 7-string guitar and a steel-willed determination, Holcomb took on ‘Djent Shitposting’ in a game that would go down in history. Within mere minutes, Holcomb had checkmated the group and silenced the mob.

It was a fun game,” Holcomb said after the match. “I think they were surprised at my skill, which is understandable. After all, I’ve been playing chess since I was a kid, while they were still learning the basics of their instrument. Most of the group still haven’t learned the basics and they’re adults.”

The page was notably quiet after the match. Their social media accounts have been notably inactive since the game and Holcomb’s victory.

For many, Holcomb’s win was a reminder of the importance of respect. Even though the Djent Shitposting page likes to talk a big game, it’s important to remember that there are still experts in the field who can outplay them at their own game.

In the end, it appears that the Djent Shitposting Group learned their lesson. While they may still post their opinions, it’s safe to say that they’ll think twice before challenging Mark Holcomb to a game of chess.

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