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Joe Rogan Bored Out of His Skull During Periphery Interview

Joe Rogan, famed podcast host and comedian, recently decided to interview the band Periphery, but the episode was short lived. After about a quarter of the way through the interview, Joe decided to end it out of sheer boredom.

The episode started off normally enough, with Joe asking the band about their music, touring, and the creative process. But it quickly took a turn for the worse. Joe found himself struggling to stay interested as the band members droned on about their guitar effects pedals and the technical aspects of their music. All Joe wanted to do was shut the whole thing down.

Finally, after about a quarter of the way through the interview, Joe had had enough. He abruptly excused himself and ended the episode.

Rogan, who usually interviews guests for well over an hour, was noticeably annoyed with the band’s technical jargon and three-syllable words, which he described as “a bunch of mumbo jumbo that’s going over my head.”

When asked about the incident afterwards, Joe said, “I just couldn’t take it anymore. I was so bored! I felt like my brain was going to melt. I feel bad for the band, but I had to get out of there.”

The band members of Periphery were obviously disappointed, but they understood. After all, Joe Rogan has the right to do whatever he wants.

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