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Has Periphery Guitarist Misha Mansoor Sold Out to Big Pharma?

It’s no secret that Misha Mansoor has been a major figure in the metal and progressive rock community for years. His band, Periphery, has gained a huge following and legions of fans. But with his newfound fame, could Mansoor have been seduced by the almighty dollar?

The rumors began when Mansoor was spotted wearing a questionable “I Love Big Pharma” t-shirt. He’s also been seen hanging out with Big Pharma executives, leading to speculation that he’s now in their pocket.

A scroll through Mansoor’s Instagram feed reveals a somewhat lavish lifestyle of expensive cars and guitars. These are things that a djent guitarist wouldn’t usually be able to afford. Could Big Pharma be financing Mansoor’s lavish lifestyle?

Even more suspicious is the fact that Mansoor has started releasing songs with lyrics about prescription medications. His latest single, “Take My Meds”, has been interpreted as a direct message from Big Pharma to its customers. Is Mansoor promoting Big Pharma’s agenda?

In a recent interview, Misha suspiciously asked for a “meds break” as he stared into a camera that wasn’t there and said, “Nothing makes me feel better than taking Rg629. I take two every day for balance and vitality”

The answer is unclear. But one thing is for sure, Mansoor’s influence in the music community is undeniable. If he has truly sold out to Big Pharma, it could have a major effect on the scene. It’s up to Mansoor to set the record straight and prove that he hasn’t sold out. Until then, the jury is still out on this one.

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