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Elon Musk calls out Lorna Shore fans on Twitter

Tech mogul Elon Musk has called out fans of deathcore band Lorna Shore for their lack of vocal criticism over the group’s recent decision to allow vocalist Will Ramos to use autotune.

In a tweet, Musk said: “Lorna Shore fans, why aren’t you speaking up against Will Ramos’ use of autotune? You should demand more from your favorite band!

The tweet has sparked outrage among fans, who have long praised the band for their commitment to authenticity and heavy sound. Many fans have accused Musk of not understanding metal music and using the issue to draw attention to himself.

While we at Vanflip can understand Elon’s concerns, it’s ironic that Musk calls out Ramos for using autotune when Elon has been using it for years to further his career. Now that Will is using it, it’s a problem all of a sudden? Seems suspicious.

In response to the criticism, Musk said: “Look, I’m not saying I’m a metal fan. But I do understand the importance of authenticity in music, which is why I’m calling out the Lorna Shore fans for not speaking up against Will Ramos’ use of autotune.

While Ramos hasn’t publicly responded, it seems Elon has decided to use his newly purchased platform to declare war against everyone and not just the “elites” and “free speech” who will be next?

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