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Tag: Vladimir Putin

World Leaders on Edge as Joe Biden Endorses ICC Warrant, Vladimir Putin Pledges to Turn Himself In After One Last Ride on Bear

In a move that could have been ripped straight from a Hollywood spy thriller, President Joe Biden has officially welcomed the International Criminal Court's (ICC) decision to issue an arrest warrant against Russian President Vladimir Putin. In a jaw-dropping twist, Putin, a staunch advocate for global justice and rule of law, has vowed to turn…

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Breaking News: Vladimir Putin Steps Down After Horror Writer Stephen King Demands He Resigns Over Invasion of Ukraine

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his immediate resignation today, citing a tweet from bestselling author Stephen King as the reason for his sudden departure. In a tweet sent out earlier this morning, King, known for his horror novels such as "It" and "The Shining," called on Putin to step down over his role in the…

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