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Tag: Tucker Carlson

Unbuttoned Shirts and Unearthed Secrets: Trump’s Candid Conversation with Tucker Carlson!

Sweeping for Bugs: The interview began with an unusual spectacle. With heightened paranoia, Carlson searched the room for hidden microphones and tracking devices, insisting that Fox News might be listening. This went on for seven minutes. When he demanded Trump unbutton his shirt, asking, "Are you wearing a fucking wire? Are you a narc?", Trump's…

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Peppa Pig Spills the Tea: Tucker Carlson’s Shocking Twitter Interview You Won’t Believe!

You thought 2020 was a wild ride? Hold onto your bacon because 2023 just cranked up the sizzle! In a move that's left jaws on the floor and screens cracked from double-takes, conservative commentator Tucker Carlson decided to have an intimate tête-à-tête with none other than Peppa Pig. That's right; the world-famous, mud-loving piglet went…

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Axed Fox News Host Tucker Carlson Launches Twitter-Based Show, Starts by Attacking Starbucks Barista Over Aspartame Conspiracy

Recently ousted from Fox News, Tucker Carlson took his professional rage machine to the Twittersphere by launching his own streaming show. In a shocking and ballsy move, the inaugural episode featured Carlson embroiled in an unhinged debate with a Starbucks barista over the government's sinister connections to the artificial sweetener aspartame. The former cable news…

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