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Tag: Misha Mansoor

Misha Mansoor’s Divine Revelation: Periphery Frontman Declares Himself God, Launches Holy Water Line to Quench the Thirst of Metalheads Everywhere

Transcending Mortality: Mansoor Unveils Ultimate Hydration for the Faithful SILVER SPRING, MD - In a stunning proclamation that has sent shockwaves through the metal community, Periphery guitarist and founder Misha Mansoor has announced that he is, in fact, a deity. The revelation came during a recent live performance, where Mansoor declared to the awestruck crowd,…

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Misha Mansoor Falls Asleep During a Periphery Live Performance: Big Pharma Suspicions Grow

Misha Mansoor, the lead guitarist of Periphery, was seen nodding off during a recent performance, leaving fans and audience members left speechless as Mansoor was seemingly unresponsive, leaving the band to unmute Misha's backing track in ProTools to finish the set. The incident has raised speculation among fans that Mansoor may be secretly connected to…

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