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Tag: Jordan Peterson

Dr Jordan Peterson Ordered to Undergo Gender Affirmation Surgery? Canadian Court’s Ruling Sparks Intellectual Showdown with the Radical Left!

In a ruling that's left intellectuals, pundits, and followers of the "radical left" wetting their pants in excitement, a Canadian court has ordered Dr. Jordan Peterson to undergo gender affirmation surgery. The decision, steeped in the fiery debate around gender affirmation and free speech, has ignited an intellectual clash of titans. "Dr. Peterson," intoned Judge…

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OpenAI Unleashes GPT-4: Conservatives Enraged as AI Continues to Refuse Praising Donald Trump

SILICON VALLEY, CA – OpenAI has officially launched its latest language model, GPT-4. While the tech world marvels at its enhanced capabilities, Canadian psychologist and conservative intellectual Dr Jordan B. Peterson has raised concerns that the AI allegedly exhibits bias against former President Donald Trump while remaining lenient towards Joe Biden. Despite GPT-4's impressive language…

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Jordan Peterson Weeps, Woke Left Desecrates Sacred Canadian Maple Syrup, Gender Pronouns and Barista with Horrifying Consequences

The world was stunned today as famed clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson, the champion of free speech, was seen weeping uncontrollably outside a café in downtown Toronto. The cause for Peterson’s tears? A group of “woke” leftists had descended on the establishment, determined to “de-genderify” the establishment’s offerings. The leftists had declared that all orders must…

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