In a stunning turn of events, renowned filmmaker James Cameron has been found guilty of war crimes against cinema. Sources report that Cameron, the man behind such cinematic masterpieces as Avatar and Titanic, has been charged with crimes against film including the destruction of the fourth wall, the wrongful use of 3D technology, and the…
In a surprise move that has left audiences both excited and terrified, James Cameron announced plans to film 98 more sequels to his 2009 blockbuster hit, Avatar.
"I know what you're thinking: 'James, how could you possibly top the groundbreaking visual effects and groundbreakingly average story of the first Avatar?' But trust me, we've got…
James Cameron has lost the plot, stopping short of shaving off his hair to avoid drug testing. The director of Avatar has announced that there will be multiple Avatar sequels released every year, so far going up to Avatar 5.
The news comes as a shock to many, as the original Avatar was a critical…