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Selena Gomez’s Mental Health in Question as She Rants About Israel and Palestine

Pop sensation Selena Gomez has caused uproar after she allegedly shouted “Free Palestine” during a live concert and announced her intentions to head to the Gaza frontlines to fight against Israel. The news, which broke early this morning, has shocked fans and critics, with many questioning her motives and mental state.

The incident occurred during Gomez’s performance at Madison Square Garden, where the star sang her hit single “Wolves.” Witnesses claim that Gomez suddenly stopped the music and began yelling, “Free Palestine, you fucking pigs!” before storming off stage.

According to an unnamed source close to the singer revealed that Gomez has been struggling with a long-standing addiction to anti-Israel conspiracy theories and has become increasingly radicalized in recent months.

Selena’s always been passionate about social causes, but this is next level,” the source said. “She’s been reading all these crazy blogs about how Israel is secretly controlling the world and suppressing the truth about Palestine. She’s even got a map of the Gaza Strip taped up in her dressing room.

As if this wasn’t enough, Gomez then took to Twitter to announce her decision to enlist in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “I’m going to Gaza, and I’m going to fight alongside the brave people of Palestine,” she wrote. “Israel, you’re on notice. #SelenaGoingToWar #FreePalestine.

The tweet, which has since been deleted, was met with mixed reactions from fans and celebrities alike. While some applauded Gomez for her bold stance, others questioned her sanity and urged her to seek help.

I just don’t understand what’s gotten into her,” said pop icon Taylor Swift in a statement. “I’ve tried reaching out to her, but she just keeps going on about Israel and how we need to ‘Free Palestine.‘”

Swift, known for her close friendship with Gomez, added that she fears for her friend’s safety and well-being. “It’s like she’s been brainwashed or something. I just hope she gets the help she needs.

As news of Gomez’s sudden transformation continues to spread, experts warn that this could be the beginning of a dangerous trend among young celebrities.

We’ve seen this before with other stars who’ve fallen prey to conspiracy theories and radical beliefs,” said Dr. Richard Schmuckle, a leading expert on celebrity mental health. “It’s important that we address this issue head-on and offer support to those who are struggling.

In the meantime, Gomez’s management team has issued a statement denying any knowledge of her intentions to fight in the Gaza conflict. “We are deeply concerned about Selena’s well-being and are doing everything we can to help her,” the statement read. “We ask that the media and public respect her privacy during this difficult time.

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