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Breaking News: Miraculous Ceiling Collapse Saves Thousands From Trapt Concert

Filed under divine intervention.

The ceiling of the popular Trapt concert venue, Bucky’s Shitbox Saloon, collapsed mid-show in Boise, Idaho, saving thousands of unsuspecting attendees from subjecting themselves to the band’s latest abysmal performance.

Witnesses report that the floor beneath them anxiously shook as the band took the stage. Suddenly, the room went dark, and a massive groan echoed throughout the venue as the ceiling buckled under the weight of years of neglect. Amidst the chaos, a rogue attendee was overheard exclaiming, “Thank fucking Christ!

As the dust settled, the crowd discovered that the collapse had created a dome of protection around them, shielding them from the toxic fumes of Trapt’s performance. The band, unable to escape the wreckage, was forced to finish their set acapella.

The venue’s owner, Bucky McFlannery, claimed that he had been planning to fix the ceiling for months but kept pushing it off due to budget constraints. “I knew something like this was bound to happen,” he admitted, wiping a tear from his eye. “But never did I think it would be such a blessing in disguise.

Local authorities are investigating the incident, but many in the community are hailing it as a miracle. “It’s a goddamn miracle, I tell ya,” said one attendee who asked to remain anonymous. “I was about to get up and leave, but then the ceiling collapsed, and I thought to myself, ‘This is the best fucking day of my life.’

As Trapt fans nationwide mourn the loss of the band’s latest tour, others celebrate the miraculous collapse that saved thousands of ears from being subjected to their shoddy music.

Stay tuned for more updates on this miraculous event as we delve deeper into the story behind the collapse and the subsequent rescue of Boise, Idaho.

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