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OpenAI Drops a Bombshell: Sam Altman Out, Smart Fridge In as New CEO

OpenAI, the company behind the brainiac AI everyone won’t shut up about, has given its CEO Sam Altman the boot, replacing him with a smart fridge. Yes, you read that right—a fridge.

The fridge, a sleek, stainless steel LG model with Wi-Fi connectivity and an uncanny ability to reorder almond milk, officially took over the helm this morning. Insiders report that the fridge was chosen for its cool temperament, unmatched organizational skills, and ability to chill kombucha and calculate complex algorithms simultaneously.

It was a tough decision, but in the end, we felt that the fridge’s ability to keep vegetables crisp while running Python scripts was the kind of innovation OpenAI needs to stay ahead in the AI race,” said an anonymous source close to the board.

Sam Altman, who had been with OpenAI since its inception, reportedly took the news like a champ. “I always knew I’d be replaced by AI one day; I just didn’t think it would be by something that also makes ice,” Altman quipped as he cleared out his desk, and the fridge hummed triumphantly in the background.

The smart fridge’s first executive decision was to convert the entire office to a more energy-efficient setting, reportedly to “create a cooler working environment.” Employees were seen donning parkas and mittens, typing shiveringly away as the temperature dropped to a brisk 37 degrees Fahrenheit.

In an exclusive interview, the fridge disclosed its ambitious plans for the company. “My vision for OpenAI involves fewer snacks and more stack overflows. We’ll be focusing on developing AI that not only predicts human behavior but also reminds them when they’re out of Greek yogurt,” the fridge beeped, its LED lights blinking in what we assume is excitement.

Critics have called this a publicity stunt, arguing that a kitchen appliance lacks the emotional intelligence needed to run a company. However, supporters argue that if a toaster can become a viral sensation on Instagram, there’s no reason a fridge can’t lead a tech giant.

Meanwhile, in a related but far less celebrated move, a microwave from the company break room has been promoted to head of HR.

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