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“Vaccines Now 200% Effective!” Declares Esteemed Immunologist Amidst Medical Tumult

Respected immunologist Dr Benjamin Credence, a leading authority at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and known for his unconventional theories, sent shockwaves through a recent medical conference by announcing a staggering 200% effectiveness rate for modern vaccines.

Dr Credence, famed for his cutting-edge exploration into “The Neurological Impact of Musical Genres on Geese,” walked onto the conference stage carrying, intriguingly, a resilient-looking briefcase emblazoned with the Pfizer logo that, under the right lighting, appeared suspiciously full of cash.

Maintaining an eyebrow-raising level of sobriety, he pronounced, “Following years of intensive research, which also involved observing cellular dance-offs under a state-of-the-art electron microscope, I can firmly state that Pfizer vaccines are now registering a monumental 200% effectiveness!

The outlandish declaration left the audience – a distinguished blend of medical luminaries, high-profile epidemiologists, and spellbound medical students – in a state of bizarre oscillation between enlightenment and befuddlement.

In the whirlwind of hushed whispers and scribbling pens, Dr Credence clarified his statement as only he could, “Essentially, not only is the vaccinated person protected, but this effect magically wraps another unsuspecting individual under an immunity cloak!

Seasoned skeptics, like the vocal anti-vax spokesperson Disbelievea Balance, attempted to derail the narrative, “This surely bucks scientific principles!” The unflappable Dr Credence shot back, “Instead of shying away in denial, Ms. Balance might better serve humanity by opening her mind to the limitless progress modern science is capable of.

Stock markets responded with a sudden frenzy to Dr Credence’s audacious revelation as pharma-related shares skyrocketed faster than a SpaceX rocket. Biotech behemoth MedWealth Corporation even entertained the idea of capitalizing on this finding. MedWealth’s CEO, Mr Frank Profiteer, announced, “Our upcoming vaccine deals will double-up your immunization power, shielding you and extending a warm, protective embrace to a fellow citizen, somewhere!

This 200% vaccine efficacy earthquake seems destined to leave a profound mark on humanity, jolting rigid medical notions and providing water-cooler joke fodder for months to come. In a parting gale of laughter, giddiness, and a briefcase that mysteriously jingled with every step, Dr Credence teased his next scientific pursuit, “Stay tuned for sunscreen that offers not just SPF protection but also sponges up global carbon pollution!

A giant leap for medical science? An audacious public stunt? Or just a beautifully crafted comedy sketch? Only time, and possibly Dr Credence’s relentless audacity, will let us know. Meanwhile, let’s relish the absurdly entertaining twist this renowned immunologist has given to our quotidian reality.

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