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Former Crypto Bro Turned AI Bro Announces He Is Pivoting Back To Crypto

Just when you thought the yo-yo antics of tech moguls couldn’t get any more nausea-inducing, here comes our favorite silicon valley chameleon, Brad Barkley, to prove us all wrong. You know him – he’s the guy who’s jumped more ships than a pirate with severe commitment issues. Well, buckle up, because he’s at it again.

From the gilded corridors of his Californian mega-mansion, which, by the way, looks like the lovechild of a spaceship and a poorly conceived modern art installation, Brad announced his latest strategic pivot. Apparently, AI is so yesterday’s news, and crypto is once again his darling.

I’m going all-in on Dogecoin,” Brad declared with a sparkle in his eyes that could only be rivalled by the sheer gloss of his overpriced designer sneakers. “AI was cool and all, but it’s getting too mainstream. Plus, Dogecoin is destined to replace all fiat money soon.

Brad’s newfound crypto zeal comes on the heels of a disastrous fling with NFTs, where he reportedly lost enough money to buy a small European country or two medium-sized tropical islands. His NFT investment was a virtual pet rock named ‘Rocky Balbo-oulder.’ It looked a lot like a regular pet rock, but with an extra zero on its price tag.

Despite this, Brad seems undeterred. His pivot from AI back to crypto feels like a rerun of an old sitcom – it’s familiar, you know all the lines, but you watch it anyway, hoping the ending might be different this time.

Brad’s proclamation was followed by a presentation that looked like it was thrown together by a caffeinated hamster on a PowerPoint bender. Featuring a hodgepodge of buzzwords and graphs, it could make even the most ardent crypto fanatic yearn for the simplicity of a Sudoku puzzle.

When asked about the potential risks of his new venture, Brad simply shrugged. “What’s life without a little adventure? Plus, my spiritual guide, Madame Zeroni, told me Mercury was in retrograde, or something. That’s good for Dogecoin, right?

Whether Brad’s rekindled love affair with crypto will pan out or crash and burn like his NFT escapade is anyone’s guess. But one thing’s for sure – when it comes to entertainment, Brad ‘BitBoy’ Barkley never disappoints. Stay tuned for next week, when Brad announces he’s pivoting back to AI again when some new advancement in AI is announced.

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