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Steel Panther Exposed as Government Mind Control Experiment

Who else had this on their 2023 bingo card? It has been revealed that the hair metal band Steel Panther was not a real band but rather a top-secret government experiment in mind control.

According to sources inside the government, the band was created in a lab in the late 1990s to manipulate the masses. The band’s over-the-top stage antics, lyrics, and costumes were all part of a carefully designed plan to distract people from the real issues and control their thoughts and behaviors.

Steel Panther was never meant to be a real band,” said one anonymous source. “It was always a tool for mind control, a way to keep the public distracted from what was really going on.

The source explained how the government used subliminal messaging and hypnotic suggestions to make people more susceptible to the band’s influence. The government even went as far as to use advanced technology to enhance the band’s performances and make them more effective at brainwashing.

Steel Panther was just the tip of the iceberg,” said the source. “There are countless other bands and cultural phenomena that are part of this mind control program. It’s a frightening thought, but it’s the reality we live in.

Fans of the band were left stunned by the news, with many feeling betrayed and manipulated. As for the band members themselves, they have yet to comment on the allegations.

One thing is for sure: the days of Steel Panther being hailed as a legitimate hair metal band are over. Its association with this sinister government plot will tarnish the band’s legacy.

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