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Post Malone Adds Even More Ridiculous Tattoos to His Already Crowded Face

Rapper Post Malone has added more permanent drawings to his crowded face. The new tattoos, which include a cartoonish depiction of a slice of pizza and a portrait of his beloved pet turtle, have left fans both confused and amused.

Sources close to the rapper say that Malone had been planning the new ink for weeks and was eager to add even more whimsical designs to his face. “He’s always been a fan of pizza and his pet turtle means the world to him,” one insider revealed. “So, it only made sense to get them permanently etched onto his skin.

While some fans have expressed concern that Malone’s face is becoming too crowded with tattoos, the rapper seems unfazed. “I don’t really care what anyone thinks,” he declared in a recent interview. “I just want to express myself through my tattoos.

The new designs come on the heels of Malone’s previous facial tattoos, which include a barbed wire fence, a dagger, and the words “always tired” under his eyes. Despite the absurdity of these tattoos, they seem to have only increased Malone’s popularity, with younger fans drawn to his edgy and rebellious persona.

Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that Post Malone’s face has become a canvas for his creative expression. Who knows what other silly drawings he’ll add in the future? One thing’s for sure; we’ll be watching with bated breath to see what he comes up with next.

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