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Mark Zuckerberg Requests Updates to His Software to Be Able to Express New Emotions to be More Relatable to Facebook Users

Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of Facebook, has requested updates to his software that will allow him to express new emotions to better connect with users. The move comes after criticism that Zuckerberg comes across as robotic and out of touch with the average Facebook user.

According to sources within Facebook, Zuckerberg has been working closely with the company’s software engineers to develop new emotional responses. “We’re talking about adding a ‘laugh’ reaction, a ‘wow’ reaction, maybe even a ‘cry’ reaction,” said one source. “We want to give Mark more tools to express himself and connect with our users.

Zuckerberg has reportedly been practicing his new emotions in front of a mirror, trying to perfect his ‘laugh’ and ‘cry’ reactions. He even requested a team of actors to help him practice and fine-tune his emotional expressions.

Critics have pointed out the irony of Zuckerberg requesting software updates to appear more relatable to Facebook users. “It’s like he’s trying to prove he’s not a robot by acting more like a robot,” said one tech analyst. “It’s a bit like adding a new coat of paint to a crumbling house.

However, Zuckerberg is determined to connect with users more emotionally. “I’m not just a tech CEO. I’m a person too,” he said in a recent statement. “I want to show the world I can be just as relatable and emotional as anyone else.“, said the CEO as he began to leak oil.

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