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Mark Zuckerberg Denies Being a Robot, Raises Suspicion of Being a Robot

In a highly suspicious move, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg recently announced that he is not, in fact, a robot.

The statement came during a press conference where Zuckerberg attempted to clarify his recent comment about Facebook’s mission to connect people.

“I’m not a robot,” Zuckerberg said, his robotic-sounding voice echoing in the room. “I’m a human being.

The statement was met with a chorus of raised eyebrows from the assembled journalists. After all, the tech mogul has made several moves in recent months that have raised questions about his humanity.

For instance, Zuckerberg recently invested in a startup that focuses on artificial intelligence, leading some to wonder if he plans to replace himself with an AI version.

He also unveiled a new virtual assistant called Jarvis, which has sparked speculation that Zuckerberg is trying to create a digital version of himself.

In light of all this, many skeptics have suggested that Zuckerberg may be a robot.

But the tech mogul wasn’t having any of it.

I’m not a robot,” he said firmly. “I’m a human being.

Unfortunately, his insistence that he isn’t a robot has only raised further suspicion that he may be a robot.

Only time will tell if Zuckerberg is a robot or a human. But one thing is certain: his statement has left people more suspicious than ever.

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